Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held in the Village Hall on Monday 15th May 2023 at 7.00 pm


Present:  J Daubney, R Turnbull, A. Codd, R. Dent, C. Quirke, S. Steers, M. Codd, M. Exeter, R. Mason, J. Widdison, L. Rollings, W. Rogers, K. Roger, C. Goodman, A. Goodman.

1.  To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 25th April 2022

Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were signed as a true record.

2.  Report from the Chairman of the Parish Council

It has been a normal year after covid when we could not do things for the village but we can now. I welcome Steve Steers as a new councillor and thank Richard Dent who has retired for his hard work and support. Grants have been awarded toi three village clubs and to Citizens Advice Bureau. 

 Blyton Parish Council has completed work on the play park with the addition of new seating and picnic tables and it is nice to see it really well used. Going forward we are going to ensure that repairs are made.

A litter pick was carried out last year. However, not much exists in the village itself. It is mainly on the outskirts and I would like to thank the villagers who regularly litterpick this area throughout the year.

We planted a cherry tree to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee. The Remembrance Day service went ahead as planned with council having purchased a steel soldier plaque. Council is looking to purchase poppies for lampposts this year.

Planning applications are now posted on Facebook so people are aware and can make comment.

I would like to thank Louise for monitoring the two defibrillators. Looking ahead the parish council is hoping to finally refurbish the telephone box which houses a defibrillator. This is something we have tried to do for a number of years but finding a contractor to undertake the work has been difficult. We will continue to make other improvements to the village as necessary and ask that residents report any problems to the clerk to action.

LCC have agreed to undertake a feasibility study on a crossing outside school. Council is looking to develop a Neighbourhood Plan but needs to form a committee to take this forward. Anyone interested please contact the clerk. There is a vacancy on the parish council for co-option. Please consider or pass on to anyone who may be interested. 

Financial Report from the Clerk of the Council

The carried forward balance at the start of April 2022 was £80,434.80; income for the year was £42, 858.35 which includes a precept of £37,500; expenditure was £28,485.65 which includes repayment of ££5250.42 for the Public Works loan. The loan outstanding is £40,372. As at our financial year end, 31st March 2023, we had a bank balance of £98,807.50 which includes a £10K grant from WLDC to refurbish the parish room. The accounts have been prepared and are with the accountant Wright Vigar for audit. 

3.  Church Report

No report received from the church. 

4.  Reports from Village organisations

Village Hall report: Chris Daubney said that last year the flat roof and kitchen had been replaced, costing £8,000. This year the ladies’ toilets are to be updated with the council grant. Many events continue to be held, parties, fund raising, elections  and although the cost of living crisis has affected the hall the committee is managing to keep the fees down. Continued damage to the hall by youngsters remains disappointing but the committee carries on regardless, with no help from the police. A £1000 grant was awarded to the Village Hall committee this year.

Victoria Club: Mr Mason said that the club continues to open on Friday and Saturday nights for snooker and bingo respectively. It has not been a good year. The club was broken into on Easter Sunday and although only a small amount of cash was taken the damage caused was expensive. CCTV and an alarm system have been installed at a cost of £1,500, although more ASB/damage has recently been caused by youngsters. 

Mr Mason said that although the club had not applied for grants from the parish council over the last couple of years they thanked council for previous assistance. Throughout covid lots of refurbishment has taken place with grant funding from WLDC: revamp of the toilets and bar area and new carpets laid.

The grassed area in front of the club has been cut regularly by Mr Mason but he is not prepared to carry on as a car is constantly parked there. A recent accident was caused by this car being inconsiderately parked. The clerk said that if he passed on the details to her she would report.

Stepping Stone Theatre: Bill Rogers informed the meeting that the group will be celebrating their 8th birthday on 15th June at Roses at 1.30pm. The group holds nine workshops a week and supports people with mental health problems who come to write creatively and tell about their experiences. A writing group has started in Blyton . Some attend in person, others online. Book number six of The Lockdown Legacy has been published and three poems/creative writing pieces were shared. A £750 grant was awarded to the group this year. 

Evergreens:  Mr Exeter informed those present that the club held a full programme of speakers and demonstrations over the past year including flower arranging; LIVES CPR and first aid; Old Gainsborough history talk; travel in western Canada; the history of Christmas; Gainsborough Heritage Centre and music from the musicals. Two coach trips have taken place and meals out including a Christmas lunch. Tea parties were held for the Jubilee and Coronation. A PA unit has been purchased in the past year. Cost of coach hire has doubled so the parish council grant helps.  A grant of £1,000 was awarded from the parish council this year.

Police Report  No police present.

5.  Open Meeting

Cllr Rollings advised that the police are not attending any parish council meetings.

Mrs Daubney said although there is usually little police presence in the village there was a big police presence at the recent attempted robbery at the village shop.

The chairman advised all to keep reporting any incidents to the police to keep Blyton on the radar. Otherwise they will say nothing is happening and there is not a problem. He also asked for any ideas for the parish council to improve the village.

Mr Rogers said that the play park was an amazing transformation.

Concerns were raised about children on bikes particularly around the shop and the risk of serious accident/fatality. 

Mr Rogers said that the bin at the village shop gets full very quickly.

Mrs Daubney said that the black bin may be used for any purpose.

Mr Dent said the parish council had requested that WLDC empty the bin more regularly.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.