May 2023

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on 

Monday 15th May 2023 at 8.10pm


Councillor B. Rollett, Councillor A.Codd, Councillor C. Daubney,  Councillor J Daubney,  Councillor L. Godson, Councillor R. Turnbull, Councillor C. Quirke, Councillor S. Steers


Also Present Helen Pitman (Clerk) and WL Cllr L. Rollings. 


1. Election of Chairman: Ben Rollett. Proposed, Cllr C. Daubney. Seconded, Cllr A. Codd. Accepted.


2.   Apologies and reasons given: None.


3. Election of Vice Chairman: Steve Steers. Proposed, Cllr LR Godson. Seconded, Cllr B. Rollett.


4.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting:None.


5. Co-option of Councillor: No interest.


6. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 27th March 2023:  The minutes were signed as a true record. 


7. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:  The clerk informed council that:

Contact has been made with the firm who refurbish old telephone kiosks and a quote has just been received. She shared the information with council but as it was not on the agenda to be discussed a decision could not be made. However, although the cost is expensive council supports in principle agenda; 

Playdays have tightened the zip wire and the strengthening repairs have been carried out ,together with the wetpour repair under the swings;

LCC has cleared the footpath on the High Street where there was a recent fall. However, Cllr J. Daubney informed only the middle section has been done. Clerk to ask Mr Troop to cut remaining areas back;

Sinking road near the ice cream parlour has been investigated by LCC and referred to Anglian Water as it is their responsibility. Advised that work has been planned;

Bank slip in the vicinity of bridge on Wharton Road reported. Road is now closed and work progressing.

In process of renegotiating electricity contract at parish room. Clerk also in consultation with electrician re new heaters. Agenda;

Clerk has completed re-declaration of compliance to Pensions Regulator. 


8. Planning:

146543 8 Paddock Lane East: No objections/comments.


9. Correspondence: WLDC election results to go on notice board


10. Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay: H. Pitman (salary/expenses for Apr & May) £962.47; HMRC £86.20x2; A. Clark £200; Memorial hall £5; Glendale £177.15; Axholme £520; N. Barnett £50; A.

Deptford £40.40; Playdays £1044; J Troop £1340; H Pitman (re ICO) £40;                                                                                                                               

Memorial Hall £1000; Evergreens Club £1000; Stepping Stone Theatre £750. To be paid by internet banking. Proposed, Cllr Quirke. Seconded, Cllr J. Daubney.             



11. Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2023:



12. To renew insurance cover: Resolved to continue with Hiscox at a cost of £1293.84.


13. To review standing orders & financial regulations: Updated documents approved.


14. Report from Outside Bodies: Cllr Rollings said it had been a busy year with the elections. The Lib Dems are about to form the administration having been successful, returning 18 candidates and are hoping to communicate more effectively with parish councils.


15. To discuss & resolve on allotment tenancies:  The Clerk has undertaken a review of the allotments following a number of issues and complaints. Council viewed the information and resolved that two tenants had been given sufficient warnings to improve and are to be told to vacate within two weeks. The clerk to speak to the other two in the first instance. With regard to the waterlogged pitch, the tenant to be offered another allotment.


16. To resolve on this month's Facebook posts:  Cllr Steers to take over administration.


17. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting:

New blinds for parish room agenda.

Pothole outside village hall entrance to be reported.

Mr Troop to be asked to move clock forward


With all business concluded the meeting closed at 9.00pm.