April 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on Monday 25th April 2022 at 8.35pm 

Present: Councillor R. Dent  (Chairman) Councillor A.Codd, Councillor J Daubney, Councillor R. Turnbull, Councillor C. Quirke

In Attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk)


1.   Apologies and reasons given:   Councillor B. Rollett, Councillor C. Daubney,        Councillor L.Clarke, 

2.  To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting:None.

3. Co-option of councillor: No interest. To be advertised on Facebook 

4. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 28th March 2022:  The minutes were signed as a true record. 

5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:  The clerk informed council that:.

WLDC has been asked to designate Blyton parish for a Neighbourhood Plan.

Litter picking equipment has been requested from WLDC for week of 28th May.

Playdays has been asked to retighten the zip wire.

Letter has been sent to householder about gravel spillage onto pavement/road.


6. Planning: Blyton Ponds application has been passed by Planning Committee but notice has been taken of parish council’s comments and conditions are to be met. Namely, a scheme for disposal of foul/surface water is to be submitted and approved and no occupancy is to take place before each home is fully connected to the approved scheme. This is to reduce the risk of flooding. Also the development must be completed in strict accordance with the mitigation measures of the Flood Risk assessment.


7. Correspondence: None.


8.  Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay: H. Pitman (salary/expenses) £537.38; HMRC £85.80; Memorial Hall £10; N Barnett £50; Glendale £64.90; J. Troop £425. To be paid by internet banking. Proposed, Cllr C. Quirke. Seconded, Cllr A. Codd. 


9.  Report from Outside Bodies: No West Lindsey councillors present.


10.  To resolve on purchase of a tree for Queen’s Platinum Jubilee:. Council to discuss what type of tree and where to be planted at next month’s meeting. agenda  


11. To resolve on order of large poppies and metal soldier plaque for Remembrance Day: Council resolved to order one plaque only to be displayed by the war memorial for Remembrance Day only. Lamp post poppies are not available at present. 


12.  To resolve on this month's Facebook posts:  Neighbourhood Plan: steering group members needed; litter pick date.


13. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting:

Phone box – chairman to follow up with Noel McKay.


With all business concluded the meeting closed at 8.55pm.