January 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on 

Monday31st January 2022 at 7.30pm

Present: Councillor B. Rollett (Chairman)

Councillor R. Dent, Councillor A.Codd, Councillor C. Daubney, Councillor J Daubney, Councillor R. Turnbull, Councillor C. Quirke, Councillor L.Clarke                                                     

 Also Present Helen Pitman (Clerk). 


1.   Apologies and reasons given: None

2.  To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting:None.

3.  Co-option of councillor: No further interest. To be advertised on Facebook 

4. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 29th November 2021:  The minutes were signed as a true record. 


5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:  The clerk informed council that:.

Mr Troop has looked at the village sign and will fix.

Letter of thanks received from Citizens Advice Bureau for £500 grant.

Request made to LCC in support of road traffic order at The Old Grain Store.

Recorded letter to be sent to resident regarding removal of items from the allotment. Cllr Daubney has looked at the drainage problem at the allotments and suggests digging out the dyke may solve the problem rather than drainage pipes. The chairman and Cllr Quirke will approach someone to do this.

New signs to be requested from WLDC for Station Road, Carr Lane and Gainsborough Road.


6. Planning:

144171: Blyton Ponds- comments as before.

144208: 8 Rustic Lane – no comments/objections

144044: land Station Road- no comments/objections

144180: Moorclose Farm, Carr Lane- no comments/objections

144288: 3 Paddock Lane- no comments/objections


7. Correspondence: None.


8.  Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay: H. Pitman (salary/expenses) £569.07; HMRC £3; Axholme Pest Control £249.60; N Barnett £50; D Hurdwell £402; GD Strawson £1437.50; D Beer £100. To be paid by internet banking. Proposed, Cllr C. Daubney. Seconded, Cllr J. Daubney. 

The clerk confirmed receipt of £6827.42 VAT refund.


9.  Report from Outside Bodies: No West Lindsey councillors present.


10.  To discuss & resolve on new heaters in the parish room. Quotes received from Hurdwells. Council resolved to go with option 1 and gain another quote for comparison. To be discussed further at next meeting.  


11. To consider whether Blyton be involved in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons event: Clerk asked to approach Blyton Driving Centre as venue. 


12. To resolve on this month's Facebook posts:  Co-option; grant applications and Neighbourhood Plan.


13. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting:

Cllr Dent raised concern about the restricted view when pulling out of Church Lane by vehicles parked outside the shop. To be discussed at next meeting.

Street lamp is out by the allotments. Chair to pass number onto clerk for her to report.

Request from resident for dog bin at bottom of Carr Lane by fencing across dyke. Clerk to speak with WLDC.

Gravel from drive opposite the Old Chapel is on the public footpath. Clerk to send letter. 


With all business concluded the meeting closed at 8.23pm.