September 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on Monday 28th September 2020 at 7.30pm


Councillor B. Rollett (Chairman)

Councillor R Turnbull

Councillor J Daubney

Councillor C Quirke

Councillor C. Daubney

Councillor R. Dent

Councillor L.Clark                                    

Also Present  Helen Pitman (Clerk).


1.  Apologies and reasons given: Councillors A.Codd and G. Cook


2.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting:None.


3. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 27th July 2020:  The minutes were signed as a true record. Proposed, Cllr Dent. Seconded, Cllr Quirke. To be signed later.


4. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:  The clerk informed council that she has had no luck regarding removal of the portacabins at the playing field. Cllr Dent will make re-contact regarding use of equipment to remove.

WLDC have confirmed the new nameplate for Laughton Road is on order and will be affixed soon.

£10,000 Covid relief grant for the parish room has been received from WLDC. The clerk advised this money be ring fenced for any repairs needed to the building in future and held in the separate account. Council agreed.

The new LCC websites are difficult for clerk's with little knowledge of web development to set up and the clerk has made contact with a number of people via LALC to resolve this. In the meantime Cllr Dent offered to take a look at setting it up. 


5. Planning: Outline application for 6 single storey and 1 replacement bungalow at land rear of Kirton Road has been granted.


6. Correspondence: Clerk & Councils Direct and LALC Annual Report.


7.  Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay: H. Pitman (salary/expenses) £560.52; A Clark £175; Axholme Pest Control £78; Glendale £324; NJ Barnett £50; J. Troop £928; LCC £1400; LDTBF Ltd £75; GD Strawson £1150. To be paid by internet banking. Proposed, Cllr Quirke. Seconded, Cllr Turnbull. 

Regarding the outstanding grant cheques awarded to village clubs and societies this year. It was confirmed that Evergreens are not meeting but the Victoria Club is. The clerk to speak with them to ascertain the need at this time.

The clerk confirmed that VAT of £4336.68 has been claimed and received and the Public Works loan has been requested for the end of October.


8. Update on play park refurbishment and resolve on any matters that arise pertaining to this: The chairman confirmed that a final site visit is to be held with Wicksteed. The clerk has placed the order for the equipment which is expected to be installed in November.  


9. To discuss & resolve on installation of a water supply at the allotments: The clerk confirmed that response had been received from ten allotment holders which showed not enough support at this time to install. Council agreed to review in a year's time.


10. To discuss & resolve on allotment rents for 2020/21: Council resolved to keep them as they are for this year with the present Covid situation.


11. To discuss & resolve on continued use of the playing field: The clerk informed council that the cost to council last year was £2,976.86 but that this year's cost will be about £1,000 less due to cheaper maintenance costs. Resolved to retain usage of the field and review again next year. 


12. To discuss & resolve on new bin outside parish room: 

Council resolved to replace like for like at a cost of £250 plus delivery.


13. To resolve on this month's Facebook posts:  The chairman thanked Cllr Dent for regular updates and it was agreed to continue with track and trace and Covid information. 


14. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting: Clerk to report car obstructing Paddock Lane/ High Street junction and tractors speeding to the police.

State of pavements from the village hall to the school and along High Street from village shop to the White Hart pub to be reported to LCC Highways.

The clerk to speak with Rev Briscoe regarding this year's Remembrance Day.


With all business concluded the meeting closed at 8.04pm.