June 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on 

Monday 29th June 2020 at 7.30pm



Councillor B. Rollett (Chairman)

Councillor R Turnbull

Councillor J Daubney

Councillor C Quirke

Councillor G. Cook

Councillor R. Dent

Also Present Helen Pitman (Clerk).


1.  Apologies and reasons given: Councillors A.Codd and C. Daubney


2.  Co-option of Councillor: Louise Clark. Proposed, Cllr Cook. Seconded, Cllr Dent. Co-opted. Paperwork to be sent out for signing.


3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting:None.


4. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 18th May 2020:  The minutes were signed as a true record. Proposed, Cllr Dent. Seconded, Cllr Cook. To be signed later.


5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:  The clerk informed council that the parish clock has been serviced and council agreed to enter into an annual service contract.

Blocked drain outside no 60 High Street has been dealt with.

Asbestos at the allotment is to be removed by Rilmac. Still awaiting quote.


6. Planning: Council had no comments to make on Gainsborough and Morton Neighbourhood Plans and nothing to add to the Mantex appeal.

141200 & 141229: comments regarding impact on flooding and surface water drainage.


7. Correspondence: Co-operative Bank re impact on business through Covid.


8.  Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay: H. Pitman (salary/expenses) £482.93; Axholme Pest Control £78; Glendale £264; D Hurdwell & Sons £222; Time Assured £138; NJ Barnett £62.50; J. Troop £1255. To be paid by internet banking. Proposed, Cllr Quirke. Seconded, Cllr Dent. 


9. Review effectiveness of internal auditor & appoint for 2020/21: Council happy with Wright Vigar as auditor and to reappoint.


10. Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2020

a) Execute Annual Governance Statement: Executed

b) To approve Statement of Accounts: Approved


11. Update on play park refurbishment and resolve on any matters that arise pertaining to this: The chairman confirmed that the privacy screen for the zip wire is now in situ. Questions were asked whether the play area could be re-opened the clerk to make enquiries. Councillors expressed concern re amount of litter around the village and clerk to ask for bins to be emptied more regularly by WLDC.

Cllr Dent has received a revised quote from Wicksteed for the infant area which is discounted by £2.8K from original. Cost is £25,653 if order is placed by July/August. Final plans to be circulated for council approval. Council resolved to accept in principle. 


12. To discuss & resolve on weekly inspections of the parish defibrillators: Cllr Clark to undertake on a weekly basis with Cllr Cook as reserve.


13. To resolve on funding requests from LIVES, Marie Curie and British Red Cross: Council resolved to award £100 from its Covid19 fund to each organisation. 


14. To discuss future use of the playing field and the costs involved in maintaining: 

The clerk informed council that maintenance costs are c£1270 and the rental £1150. No football teams are currently using the field. However the contracts are already in place for this year. Council agreed to defer until the budget for 2021 is discussed later this year.


15. To resolve on this month's Facebook posts: Cllr Dent to be informed of any additional posts. 


16. To discuss staffing matters:  Council happy for clerk to continue in post when she relocates to Collingham.


17. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting: Due to time constraints with the zoom meeting, council to circulate for discussion.                                                                                                                                                            

With all business concluded the meeting closed at 8.10pm.

Next meeting to be held on Monday 27th July. To be confirmed nearer the time whether to be held face to face or virtual. However most recent advice from NALC is to continue with virtual meetings.