April 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on 

Monday 27th April 2020 at 7.30pm



Councillor B. Barley (Chairman)

Councillor R Turnbull

Councillor N. Barnett

Councillor C Quirke

Councillor G. Cook

Councillor R. Dent

Also Present Helen Pitman (Clerk).


1.  Apologies and reasons given: Councillors A Codd, J. Daubney and C. Daubney


2.  To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting: Cllr Quirke declared a personal and pecuniary interest in planning application 140880.


3. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 24th February 2020:  The minutes were signed as a true record. Proposed, Cllr Quirke. Seconded, Cllr Dent. To be signed later.


4. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:  The clerk informed council that there has been no update on a replacement static SID. However, council confirmed that a new one has been installed.

She has not received a second quote for the electrical work at the village hall to determine the grant application and the downpipe at the parish room has not been replaced as far as she is aware. 

The emergency replacement of the water heater at the parish room has been done today.

The street lamp replacement: Altitude Services can supply a pre-set dimming regime at the same price as the original quote. Cllr Codd was due to meet Hurdwell's to obtain another quote but this has not gone ahead.

No information on clearance of dykes and ditches received from Cllr Clews.

Complaint: Work to resolve the matter is on hold due to Covid 19.


5. Planning:  To be discussed at the end of the meeting.


6. Correspondence: None.


7.  Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay: H. Pitman (salary/expenses/cemetery green bin) £519.15; LALC £34.20; Axholme Pest Control £171.60 J. Troop £670. To be paid by internet banking that has been set up as an emergency measure by clerk with agreement by the chairman and vice chairman at the start of the lockdown. The chairman to input payments, screenshot and send to clerk and vice chairman for confirmation. All in agreement. A direct debit to be set up to pay ICO annual amount of £35.

The net balance in the accounts as at 31st March 2020 was £17,556.68.The clerk confirmed end of year accounts are complete and ready for internal audit once the lockdown has ended.


8. Update on play park refurbishment and resolve on any matters that arise pertaining to this: The chairman confirmed a visibility shield to be installed by PlayDays is on hold. New quotations to be sought on preferred equipment to complete the refurbishment. The clerk confirmed that the loan application has been approved and needs to be drawn down within a year. Cllr Dent confirmed that there is no evidence of people using the park since posts on Facebook and various other sites have been made re closure due to Covid19.  


9. To resolve on this month's Facebook posts: Cllr Dent to continue with posting government led information on Covid19.


10. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting: None.


5. Planning:

Cllr Quirke left the meeting.

140801 land adj to 9 Laughton Road- no objections/comments.

140880 Mill Close, Carr Lane- no objections/comments.

Appeal at Wharton Hill- email from WLDC Enforcement circulated to council. 


With all business concluded the meeting closed at 7.55pm.

Next meeting to be held on Monday 18th May. To be confirmed nearer the time whether to be held face to face or virtual