October 2021
Minutes of the Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on
Monday 25th October 2021 at 7.30pm
Present: Councillor B. Rollett (Chairman) Councillor A.Codd, Councillor C. Daubney, Councillor J Daubney, Councillor R. Turnbull, Councillor C. Quirke
Also Present Helen Pitman (Clerk) & Cllr M. Snee.
1. Apologies and reasons given: Cllrs L.Clarke & R. Dent.
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation. Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting:None.
3. Co-option of councillor: No one has come forward.
4. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 27th September 2021: The minutes were signed as a true record.
5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding: The clerk informed council that:.
There is slow progress on repair to the damaged bridge.
The Remembrance Day service will take place at 11am and a poppy wreath has been ordered
A smart meter cannot be installed in the parish room.
LCC has accepted the main road has deteriorated outside the access to the ice cream parlour but does not require urgent action; Severn Trent has been notified to repair metal cable cover; potholes on Church Lane to be repaired.
Allotment fees have been requested and most now received. Two allotments spare allotments to be reallocated.
6. Planning:
143803 Lindum Lodge, High Street: no objections/comments.
143863 Burnt Bridge Farm, Morton Carr: No objections/comments.
Blyton Park Driving Centre: no further comment on amended application.
Cottam & West Burton Solar Project: request hard copies of public consultation materials on proposed new solar projects.
Planning application for over 50s accommodation at Blyton Ponds: following communication from the agent this was discussed further. Council does not object to the application per se but has concerns about the increase to flooding risk. Surface water drains into the Wash Dyke which is close by which already floods the village higher up on High Street. The nearby properties on Station Road have had to be pumped out this year alone. Council to request conditions to eliminate further risk eg permeable surfaces.
7. Correspondence: LCC offer of winter salt: Not necessary.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons: to discuss in the New Year. A suitable location needs to be found.
8. Financial Matters:
Resolved to pay: H. Pitman (salary/expenses) £611.48; J. Troop £614; Glendale £284.28. To be paid by internet banking. Proposed, Cllr C. Daubney. Seconded, Cllr J. Daubney.
9. Report from Outside Bodies: Cllr Snee gave an update on West Lindsey matters.
10. Update on play park refurbishment. Nothing to discuss. Agenda again in New Year when final stage to be planned.
11. To consider the budget for 2022/23 and resolve on precept figure: The clerk presented the budget to council. It was agreed that the offer of painting and future maintenance of the phone box free of charge by resident be accepted. Council resolved to maintain the precept at the same amount as this year ie £37, 500. Proposed, Cllr Rollett. Seconded, Cllr C. Daubney. The precept forms were duly signed.
12. To resolve on this month's Facebook posts: Remembrance Sunday and precept.
13. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting:
Cllr C. Daubney will do drainage work on the allotments as previously discussed. Council will reimburse costs.
Clerk to chase WLDC re sign request for Station Road.
With all business concluded the meeting closed at 8.35pm.