April 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on Monday 29th April 2019 in the Village Hall at 8.45pm

Present: Councillor B Barley (Chairman)
Councillor R Turnbull
Councillor N. Barnett
Councillor A Codd
Councillor M Harrison
Councillor J. Daubney
Councillor R. Dent
Also Present Helen Pitman (Clerk).

1. Apologies and reasons given, Councillor C Quirke, Councillor C Daubney.

2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation. Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting None.

3. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 18th March 2019 The minutes were signed as a true record. Proposed, Cllr Harrison. Seconded, Cllr Dent.

4. Clerk's report on matters outstanding The clerk reported that IGas has awarded a £1000 grant towards the play equipment. Anti social behaviour has been reported to the police who are making regular patrols and a meeting with PC Shaw and West Lindsey ASB officer is to be arranged to discuss the way forward particularly with regard to the safety of the new play area. Overflowing drains have been reported to LCC and have been dealt with according to their response. Any further problems please advise.

5. Planning The clerk has sent an objection to the new application for a storage lagoon on land east of Laughton Road as advised by council. Council has no comments/objection to application 139195 at the Old Railway Station, Station Road. Council raised further concerns regarding occupation of a cabin at 23 Gainsborough Road and asked for these to be raised with enforcement officers.

6. Correspondence: None.

7. Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay:

H. Pitman (salary & expenses) £503.59;

HMRC £1.60;

H. Pitman (green bin) £35;

ICO £40;

Helping Hand £1313;

LCC £1400;

N. Barnett £40.

Grant cheques as agreed at the budget meeting:

Horticultural Society £750;

Evergreens Club £800;

Memorial Village Hall £1000.

Still awaiting accounts for Victoria Club.

8. To receive report on speed indicating device data: Given at previous meeting.

9. Update on play park refurbishment and to discuss & resolve on any matters arising to include signing off order from Playdays: The chairman informed council that it is anticipated the adventure trail will be installed by the end of May. The clerk will inform council of the date of the meeting to discuss ASB so that councillors may attend. With the cost of the new play park being in the region of £75K and grant funding being harder to obtain, the clerk suggested that council look at the option of a Public Works loan. She was tasked with obtaining figures for loans of £25K and £50K and purchasing collection pots and enquiring whether a licence is needed.

10. Update on new defibrillator in the telephone box and resolve on cost of purchase:

Cost to purchase defibrillator from CHT on a managed solution agreement £1875. The two obligations for this agreement are that council purchases an annual support package costing £135 pa and regular weekly checks on the equipment are made and reported via CHT WebNos Governance system. Cllr Harrison agreed to undertake the checks and to be the contact to register the present defibrillator with CHT.

11. To discuss & resolve on date for litter pick: Saturday, 15th June at 10am start at the Black Horse.

12. To discuss whether Blyton should produce a Neighbourhood Plan: Council is in favour of this provided Marcus Walker will lead on it.

13. To discuss & resolve on this month's Facebook posts: Litter pick date; information on existing and new defibrillator in the phone box; update on play group meeting.

14. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting:

Grace Park.

With all business concluded the meeting closed at 9.46pm.

NB next meeting will be on Monday 13th May 2019.