February 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on Monday 25th February 2019 in the Parish Room at 7.30pm

Present: Councillor B Barley (Chairman)
Councillor R Turnbull
Councillor N. Barnett
Councillor A Codd
Councillor M Harrison
Councillor J. Daubney
Councillor R. Dent
Also Present Helen Pitman (Clerk), District Cllr P Mewis

1. Apologies and reasons given Councillor C Quirke, Councillor C Daubney

2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation. Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting None.

3. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 28th January 2019 Signed as a true record. Proposed, Cllr Codd..Seconded, Cllr Barnett.

4. Clerk's report on matters outstanding

The clerk reported that she has spoken with Strawsons and now has a copy of the lease on computer records. She has also spoken with Colin Garfoot who advised that the meter serves the chicken sheds and cottage. The football club was given permission to erect the portacabin by Strawsons who also gave them a water connection. However there was a massive leak which was not reported by the football club to Strawsons and they had to pay a large bill. Strawsons are therefore unhappy to reconnect the supply to the portacabin but the clerk will meet with Colin to discuss further.

The plaque for the bench has been ordered and will be fitted when supplier is next in the area.

A new battery and pads have been ordered for the defibrillator.

5. Planning Cllr Mewis gave an update on the Wharton Hill site. Following contact by the clerk LCC is investigating a lagoon at Blyton Park. Council resolved to object to application number 138971 for 9no dwellings land east of Laughton Road and ask for Cllr Mewis to request it goes before WL Planning Committee for determination.

6. Correspondence: Letter and audited accounts from Blyton Horticultural Society to complete grant request; WLDC information on May elections.

7. Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay:

H. Pitman (salary & expenses) £453.52;

HMRC £1.40;

Blyton Memorial Hall £10;

Andrew Deptford £114.

Cllr J. Daubney has undertaken the internal audit.

8. To receive report on drainage issues: Nothing to report. Agreed to remove item from agenda until any update.

9. To receive report on speed indicating device data: Cllr Dent has produced data and gave council a report.

10. Update on play park refurbishment and to discuss & resolve on any matters arising: The chairman informed council that a further meeting had been held two weeks ago and that another is planned for the following week when further quotes and plans are to be discussed. A date has been set for the sponsored swim.  However the dance had to be cancelled due to lack of interest. The clerk confirmed she has submitted a grant application to IGas and WLDC has confirmed no planning permission is needed unless the equipment is over 4m high or 200cubic meters capacity. She will contact LCC regarding the PRoW that runs through the play area.

11. To discuss future use of the telephone box following discussion with representative from the Community Heartbeat Trust: Following Martin Fagan's presentation to council prior to the meeting which council agreed had been very informative, council agreed to install a new defibrillator in the old kiosk. The clerk to obtain cost for the next meeting and ask CHT if they will take on the existing equipment at the village room. 

Agenda ,

12. To resolve on tender for grass cutting: Council resolved to accept the tender from Mr Troop for one year with a view to retendering in 2020.

13. To discuss & resolve on this month's Facebook posts: Promote awareness of the crowd funding page for sponsored swim. Council agreed that notification of all planning applications be posted and any objections also. The clerk and Cllr Harrison to liaise on this.

14. Items of information to be noted and if necessary dealt with at the next meeting:

Gates have been erected stopping access from the High Street near The Olde Chapel on to the PRoW.

Donation to Squadron re Remembrance Day agenda

Litter pick agenda

With all business concluded the meeting closed at 9.24pm with the next meeting on Monday 18th March 2019 at 7.30pm.

Annual Parish Meeting followed by council meeting: 29th April 2019