October 2024 (2)


Minutes of the Meeting of Blyton Parish Council held on 

Monday 28h October 2024 at 7.30pm


Councillor L. Godson, Councillor C. Daubney, Councillor R. Turnbull, Councillor A.Codd, Councillor I. Wilcock, Councillor C Quirke                                                                                                                                   


Also Present WL Cllr L Rollings Kenneth Woolley


1.   Apologies and reasons given:


2. Co-option of Councillor: No interest.


3.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation.  Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting:None.


4. To approve minutes of the last meeting held 14th October 2024:  The minutes were signed as a true record. 


5. Clerk's report on matters outstanding:  None


6. Planning: No objections to the two planning applications listed on the agenda


7. Correspondence: Circulated .


8. Financial Matters:

Resolved to pay: A. McArthur £530.74; HMRC £72.60; Glendale £177.14, Ian Wilcock £499.00


9.  Report from Outside Bodies: Cllr Rollings informed council Connect Parish Councils/Parish Forums has been set up for better interaction, the council has also now reinstated the roles of sports development officer and arts development officer. An extra enforcement officer has also been employed. Update on leisure centre the building of a new leisure centre was unlikely possibility to refurbish the current centre. Scampton update WLDC are pressing the home office for a date to transfer the site back to the council. 


10. To discuss & resolve request for winter warm space grant for the village teapot café: It was decided that more days would be needed to be offered  two hours a week was not enough discussions took place on possible venues and it was decided the Parish Room would be suitable for this use four days a week either mornings or afternoons at a time when the post office was not open but on the same days the Parish Room was used as a post office. Volunteers would be sought to run the scheme on a trial basis if successful this would run till the end of March. Flyers to be designed and printed to advertise the scheme. Clerk to inform The Village Teapot of the decision.


11. To discuss & resolve an updated allotment agreement: It was decided to leave the agreement as is but to develop a ‘set of rules’. It was agreed this should be a separate allotment meeting. Agenda 


12. To discuss a figure for the 25/6 precept: A discussion took place on the figure and put to the vote 7K was agreed.


13. To discuss and resolve on this months facebook posts: None, Remembrance Day service details to be put on fb. Request for volunteers to run winter warm space to be put on fb.


14. Items of information to be noted and if necessary to be dealt with at the next meeting: The hedge in the playing field needs cutting back need to find out who the land owner is, play area needs inspecting and a list of work needed quoted for, anti social behaviour and damage to the allotments was discussed it was decided to erect a pole and cctv system on site as this had been successful on another allotment site to discourage damage. Agenda


With all business concluded the meeting closed at 9.07pm


Next meeting November 25 7.30 pm.