Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held in the Village Hall on Monday 29th April 2024 at 7.15 pm
Present: J Daubney, R Turnbull, A. Codd, C Daubney, J. Daubney, L. Godson, I Wilcock,
C. Quirke, S. Steers, M. Codd, M. Exeter, K. Carless, K. Rodgers, C. Goodman, B. Stephenson, C. Jay, E. Reynolds, K. Blackie.
1. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 15th May 2023
Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were signed as a true record.
2. Report from the Chairman of the Parish Council
Welcome to everyone attending this evening’s meeting. This is my first year as chairman and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all for the help and support given to me.
Firstly I’d like to welcome Cllr Ian Wilcox who has joined us this year and also offer thanks to Cllr Godson who has stepped up and taken the role of vice chair. I look forward to working together. I’d also like to offer our thanks to Helen, our clerk, for all her hard work in which has sometimes been a difficult year. Unfortunately Helen will be leaving us this year and we wish her well.
We have had a busy year. Grants and support have been to the Stepping Stone Theatre of £750; Evergreens received £1000 and the Memorial Hall also received £1000. All of which I’m sure we agree are worthy causes.
Continued works and repairs have been carried out by Playdays to the children’s play park and it’s nice to see the park getting regular use.
The village telephone box has now been fully refurbished and returned and is being prepared for the installation of the defibrillator. Unfortunately this took a lot longer than originally anticipated and required a lot of extra work by Helen to ensure its return. For this Helen we are grateful. I’d like to thank Cllr Godson for the care and maintenance she gives the defibrillators, ensuring they are available should they be needed.
The council is aware that there are a great number of potholes and damage to road surfaces in our parish. This has not been helped by the recent road closure of the main road to Gainsborough. This has put extra strain on the local infrastructure. We ask that residents where possible report defects to LCC highways to ensure rapid repairs.
The Parish room/Post Office has recently received a facelift being redecorated, new blinds and more energy efficient heating installed. I’d like to thank those involved in its refurbishment for all their hard work.
The parish Facebook page is now getting more use and is proving to be an excellent tool for communicating with parishioners. Thanks to Ian who regularly makes entries and updates the page.
There has been interest in the village in the formation of a Speed Reduction group. If anyone would like to be involved please make contact. So far this has received a good response and we look forward to its development.
Recently we have been contacted by a group interested in the formation of a local football team, using the village playing field. At the moment they are looking into the feasibility of the project and we hope for a positive outcome.
There is still the odd occurrence of antisocial behaviour by some local children and also by some that travel to Blyton. At the moment it is not seen as a major problem and is monitored. Should it have a greater impact we can work with the local crime reduction team at Lincs Police to ensure it is dealt with.
The last Remembrance Day ceremony was well attended and it was nice to see so many families there. Unfortunately, we have been informed that the local vicar will not be able to attend this year’s event but I am sure we will make the best of the day marking our respect.
Looking forward to 2024/25 we are determined to make a positive impact and improvements to our village and encourage residents to contact us freely with ideas or suggestions.
Finally there is currently a vacancy on the parish council for co-option. Please consider or pass on to anyone who may be interested and ask them to contact the Clerk for more details.
Once again thank you for all your help and support
Financial Report from the Clerk of the Council
The carried forward balance at the start of the financial year was £94,807.50; income for 2023/24 was £42,501.83 which includes a precept of £37,500; expenditure was £43,713.20. As council has over the years increased the amount in reserves it was agreed that some of the money be used to improve assets owned by the council. The phone box has been renovated at a cost of £5180; improvements have been made to the parish room including new heating costing £1455, repainting and new blinds and lights totalling £1817.
Grants totalling £2750 were awarded.
As the amount in reserves carried forward to this financial year are still high, council resolved to reduce the precept for 2024/25 to £7,500 to reduce reserves further and bring within audit regulations. This will mean a reduction in council tax for the parish portion.
The accounts have been prepared and are with the accountant Wright Vigar for audit.
3. Church Report
No report received from the church.
4. Reports from Village organisations
Evergreens: Mr Exeter informed those present that the club try to get a selection of good guest speakers and have had talks from the Co-op legal department, St Barnabas Hospice and Gainsborough Heritage. An interesting film and talk was given on captive dolphins returning to the wild.
Coach trips have been to the outlet at Spalding and York Christmas market. Regular quizzes and beetle drives take place and an annual Christmas lunch., The group thank the parish council for their continued support. A grant of £1,000 was awarded from the parish council this year.
Village Hall report: Chris Daubney said that last year the kitchen refurbishment had been completed but they were unable to update the ladies’ toilets due to a water leak which had to be located and was repaired by members of the committee. Many events continue to be held, parties, fund raising, elections and regular uses. Continued damage to the hall by youngsters remains disappointing and the committee are working with the police. A £1000 grant was awarded to the Village Hall committee this year.
Living Connections: Karen Blackie informed that the group had been set up a couple of years ago to support over 18 year olds with mental health problems. A weekly curling and cake meeting is held in the village hall for Blyton residents and Hastings Day Centre. A cheque for £750 was awarded for the first time by council.
Stepping Stone Theatre: Kate Rodgers informed the meeting that nine sessions are held per week with people with mental health issues and that a writing workshop is held every Wednesday afternoon in Blyton hall. Books have been produced of these writings and Kate read a couple of poems written by attendees. A £500 grant was awarded to the group this year.
Police Report No police present.
5. Open Meeting
Mrs Reynolds asked why more people did not attend the annual parish meeting.
Chairman said it had been well advertised.
Mr Goodman said it was apathy and that he attended more than anybody in the room.
Mrs Reynolds asked re anti social behaviour whether anyone had spoken with those responsible.
Mr Codd replied yes on numerous occasions
Mrs Reynolds said she had heard they want a skate park.
The clerk informed the meeting that there would need to be justification and much research/discussion as a skate park would cost upwards of £50K. Also the council does not own land to site it.
Mrs Reynolds said the youth need a youth club to keep them active.
Chairman informed her the matter was on the agenda to discuss.
Mrs Carless said she has spoken with the youths who say they are bored. She has also spoken with the parents who were not aware that their children were causing damage. She said the playing field had been much used in the past and it would be good reinstate its use.
Karen Blackie asked if there was a football team.
B. Stephenson said that his group is hoping to set one up but this would be for over 16s.
Mr Daubney said when discussion had taken place re a skate park in the village a meeting had been held but there was no support from parents and no one wanted to help with thw project.
Mrs Daubney said a skate park would attract those from outside the village and would likely create more ASB.
Mrs Carless agreed.
Mrs Turnbull said the council had in the past offered a youth shelter but the youngsters were not in favour of where it was to be sited so it did not go ahead.
Mrs Reynolds asked whether a landowner could donate a piece of land.
Mrs Daubney said the parish council had approached a number of landowners re site for recreational facilities but no one was interested,
Mrs Quirke said the goals at the play area were the largest that could be sited there due to space.
Mrs Turnbull said there had been a youth club but it failed as no one wanted to run it.
The chairman and clerk informed the meeting that the council would reach out and talk to the youth of the village.
Mr Wilcock said he would post something on Facebook.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.57pm.